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Welcome to History for Travelers

I have created this website for curious travelers and history buffs. The 64 Essays for Travelers are for readers who want to re-live a past trip, plan a new one, or travel vicariously. The Concise, Complete, and Comparative Essays on Empires explain the rise and fall of a dozen fascinating empires.


64 Essays for Travelers

These 64 essays (80-200 pages each) provide the history of sites I have visited on my travel/study trips. Click on the continents to open their content.

Click a continent to open its collections. 

Click a continent to open its collections. 

Click a continent to open its collections. 


10 Concise Essays

30 - 50 pages

These Concise Essays give readers a quick understanding of my approach and conclusions. Most readers will probably want to begin with these Concise Essays and then decide whether to move on to one or more of the matching Complete Essays. 


10 Complete Essays

170 - 290 pages

These Complete Essays cover the histories of empire-host countries from the development of agriculture through 2019. For each empire, I discuss origins, sources of wealth, means of political control, causes of decline and lessons for later states. 


Comparative Essay

463 pages

In this Comparative Essay, I contrast the origin, control, wealth, and decline of the twelve empires to search for historical lessons for later hegemonic states. Readers might choose to read this essay first if they prefer to learn history in a comparative framework. 

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